Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Early Mornings

I have started my early morning runs with the dogs. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a morning person. But it's the only time that it's cool enough that Atka (the big, black Malamute) won't die of heat stroke. Or myself for that matter. Even in the early morning hours it's still hot though. I really dislike summer for this reason. If I could live somewhere that was between 60 and 70 degrees year round (or at least during the summer) I would be happy. And yes, I realize that I used to live somewhere like that, when I was living up in the mountains.

I don't really count these as training runs, but I know getting out there and running is good, regardless. It is just difficult running with two dogs who are bred to pull sleds. They are always in front of me, and provide little slack for arm movement. Plus, as I discovered this morning, I refuse to run with a full poop bag. There is just something wrong about that.

This all works perfectly with my schedule right now, because my "early morning" runs still aren't early compared to some people. My internship doesn't start until 10:00 (sometimes 9:30) and when I start classes in a few weeks I will start at 9:00. This means I can wake up at 7:00, be out of the house by 7:30ish, and still get a good run in and have time to relax in the morning before I go to work.

I also plan on going one block further every day. I am not sure how this will work out once I get a couple miles away, I will have several obstacles to deal with. But I will work on that when it gets to that point; until then, I will do the best I can!

Speaking of running, I am off to go on my team training run. In 90 degree weather. Talk about not liking heat... But, as they say, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

I'm so glad the race is in September, when (ideally) it will have cooled down a bit. Granted the swimming part I don't care about the weather, but approximately three hours of biking and running sounds like torture in really hot weather.

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