Thursday, June 25, 2009


After taking two weeks off from training, I seem to be back in full scale training here!

Tuesday night we had our group run, which was a hill workout. Now I have never done hills well, not even when I was doing track in high school. Then again, I've never been a runner. But my knees (thanks to tendinitis from track in high school) can't really handle the hills all that well. I did pretty well, all things considering: I managed to make the hills except when it got really steep, and when my knee told me to stop, I slowed to a walk. The last thing I want to do is injure myself now, during the training period. Or injure myself bad enough that I won't be able to participate in the triathlon in three months.

Yesterday was Bike To Work day in Denver. So I turned it into Bike to Internship day. It doesn't seem that far, or that hilly, when I drive there, but my internship is just over seven miles from my house. And it turns out that Denver is actually really hilly, I just never realized that before! The ride was really nice, I took side streets, so I went through neighborhoods that I never would have otherwise gone through. I came across one major obstacle: I-25. The route I had taken showed a planned pedestrian tunnel under I-25. I didn't realize it was planned, and not actually there. So I came up to it and got slightly stumped, but just followed the freeway until I was able to find an overpass. But, with my laptop bag on my bag, I made it there with little problem (there was one extremely steep, albeit brief, hill). The way home was a different story. While the bag didn't gain any weight while I was at my internship, it certainly felt about 2 or 3 times heavier! I just kept telling myself that this is really good training, because it will be much easier to ride my bike without the bag. But I realized the repercussions of it too: my back is really sore today from the bike ride.

After I got home and plastered myself on the couch for about an hour, I then went on to DU's Rec Center to swim with a classmate/teammate. This was a nice, relaxing swim, just about 800 meters, because I was pretty sore from the past few days.

Today I have my group swim. I am a little worried about it, because I am so sore, but I figure, if it doesn't kill me, it'll make me stronger. Hopefully I don't drown!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on scheduling in your training! That is step 1. Step 2 is doing it - which you are. And good work biking on bike to work day. Are you liking tri training so far?
